Confusing Science Terms Resource Book Grade 5-12 eBook

Confusing Science Terms Resource Book Grade 5-12 eBook

80 pages
Grade 5-Grade 12 / Ages 10-18
Product ID:

Help students grades 5 and up differentiate between easily confused word pairs or groups and perplexing science terminology in the areas of physical, life, Earth, and space science.

Confusing Science Terms encourages students to:

  • use a science vocabulary journal to construct their own meanings for confusing terms
  • write sentences using the terms
  • create visual representations for them

Students build science vocabulary and improve science literacy while they increase their knowledge and understanding of science concepts.

This book includes decoding activities and alternative methods of instruction, such as hands-on and small-group activities, games, and journaling, which allow for differentiated instruction. The book supports National Science Education Standards.

UPC 044222203962
Product Detail Resource Book
Topics Middle Grades
Subjects Science
ISBN 9781580378666

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