Non-fiction Reading Comprehension Workbook Grade 5-6 eBook (PDF)

Non-fiction Reading Comprehension Workbook Grade 5-6 eBook (PDF)

64 pages
Grade 5-6 / Ages 10-12
Product ID:

Help your 5th grade and 6th grade students build fluency and proficiency in essential nonfiction reading concepts with Mark Twain’s Nonfiction Reading Comprehension Grade 5 & 6 Workbook.

Correlated to Current State and National Standards, this 64-page workbook features 8 mini-lessons with nonfiction reading selections covering science, history, geography, economics, and informational text.

The nonfiction reading workbook features assessments in multiple-choice and constructed-response formats are included, covering the most tested reading comprehension skills found on standardized tests to help build students’ test-taking confidence.

Skills covered in this workbook include:
• Reading Comprehension
• Making Inferences
• Textual Evidence
• Central Idea
• Summary
• Word Meaning
• Author’s Purpose
• Textual Structure

An answer key is also included in the back of the workbook.