Investigaciones sobre el comportamiento animal

Animales que resuelven problemas: Animal Problem Solving Reader Grade 1-4 Paperback

Investigaciones sobre el comportamiento animal

Animales que resuelven problemas: Animal Problem Solving Reader Grade 1-4 Paperback

24 pages
Grade 1-4 / Ages 6-10
Product ID:

¿Cómo resuelven las aves un problema para poder comerse un rico gusano? Ese es unos de los misterioso que resolverás mientras exploras estas asombrosas habilidades animales para resolver problemas. Aprende cómo las hienas trabajan en equipo, cómo usan escudos algunos pulpos y cómo los monos preparan un rico bocadillo. Por último, conviértete en un científico y llega a conclusiones creando tu propio estudio científico. ¿Qué increíbles habilidades de resolución de problemas observarás?

Why would researchers give a bird a worm to eat but keep it out of reach? That’s one of the mysteries you’ll solve as you explore amazing animal problem-solving skills. In Amazing Animal Behaviors: Animal Problem-Solving, you'll learn how hyenas work together, octopuses make shields, and monkeys make a tasty snack. Finally, be a scientist as you draw conclusions and make your own scientific study. What amazing problem-solving skills will you observe? Let's discover the incredible ways that animals collaborate, use tools, and solve problems to survive in the wild!

This engaging 24-page nonfiction book will help your child improve comprehension and build confidence with guided after-reading questions and a fun extension activity. The nonfiction leveled text features simple, easy-to-read pages with full-color pictures. Reading/teaching tips are also included.